CORE Test Automation:

  Interactive Inventory

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Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Article Page on HGTV - Using AD Mocking Test Approach clear clear done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of BigBox AD in Article Page on DISCOVERY - Using AD Mocking Test Approach done done done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Article Page on COOK - Using AD Mocking Test Approach done clear done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Recipe Template on FOOD - Using AD Mocking Test Approach done done done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Show Page on HGTV - Using AD Mocking Test Approach done clear done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/Advertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Recipe Template on COOK - Using AD Mocking Test Approach done clear done Advertisement Advertisement BigBox
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on TRAVEL - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on COOK - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on TLCME - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on FOOD - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Article Stream on CRIME - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/ArticleStreamAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Leaderboard AD in Article Stream on DISCOVERY - Using Analytics Test Approach done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement ArticleStreamAD
Stories/Advertisement/HomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on FOOD Home Page done clear done Advertisement Advertisement HomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/HomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on HGTV Home Page done done done Advertisement Advertisement HomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/HomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on COOK Home Page done clear done Advertisement Advertisement HomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/MobileHomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on HGTV Home Page clear clear done Advertisement Advertisement MobileHomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/MobileHomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on COOK Home Page done clear done Advertisement Advertisement MobileHomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/MobileHomePageAdvertisement.story Validation of Leaderboard Bigbox AD on FOOD Home Page done done done Advertisement Advertisement MobileHomePageBigBox
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on TLCME done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on TRAVEL done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on COOK done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on DISCOVERY done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on HGTV done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/MobilePhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Repeating Bigbox AD in Mobile Photo Gallery on FOOD done clear clear Advertisement Advertisement MobilePhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on DISCOVERY - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on FOOD - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on TLCme - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on TRAVEL - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on COOK - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Advertisement Advertisement BigBoxPhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on FOOD - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on TRAVEL - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on DISCOVERY - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on COOK - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/ArticleStreamAnalytics.story Validation of Article Stream on TLCME - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics ArticleStream
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For TRAVEL Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for COOK done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For TLCME Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Video Playlist Page from TRAVEL done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for DISCOVERY done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery Page from DISCOVERY done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Show page from FOOD done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For HGTV Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Video Playlist Page from DISCOVERY done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For COOK Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery Page from HGTV done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for TRAVEL done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Video Playlist Page from COOK done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Show page from TRAVEL done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for FOOD done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For DISCOVERY Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For FOOD Site Search Function done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for TLCME done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Show page from DISCOVERY done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Video Playlist Page from FOOD done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Show page from HGTV done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Article Page from DISCOVERY done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for HGTV done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Show page from COOK done done clear Analytics Analytics OmnitureTracking
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from TRAVEL & Omniture Tracking For TRAVEL Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from COOK & Omniture Tracking For COOK Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from DISCOVERY & Omniture Tracking For DISCOVERY Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from HGTV & Omniture Tracking For HGTV Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from FOOD & Omniture Tracking For HGTV Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Photo Gallery page from TLCME & Omniture Tracking For TLCME Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGallery
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobileAnalytics.story Validation of Media Stream on DISCOVERY Photo Gallery - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobileAnalytics.story Validation of Media Stream on FOOD Photo Gallery - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobileAnalytics.story Validation of Media Stream on TLCME Photo Gallery - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobileAnalytics.story Validation of Media Stream on HGTV Photo Gallery - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobileAnalytics.story Validation of Media Stream on COOK Photo Gallery - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMediaStreamMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMobileAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For FOOD Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMobileAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For DISCOVERY Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMobileAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For HGTV Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoGalleryMobileAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For COOK Photo Gallery User Interaction done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoGalleryMobile
Stories/Analytics/PhotoInspirationAnalytics.story Validation of Single Image with Products on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Analytics/PhotoInspirationAnalytics.story Validation of Photo Inspiration with deep link on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Analytics/PhotoInspirationAnalytics.story Validation of Photo Inspiration on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach done done clear Analytics Analytics PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Analytics/ShoppingComponentsAnalytics.story Validate Analytics for Product CTA of an image in Gallery for TRAVEL done clear clear Analytics Analytics ShoppingComponents
Stories/Analytics/ShoppingComponentsAnalytics.story Validate Analytics for Product CTA of an image in Gallery for FOOD done clear clear Analytics Analytics ShoppingComponents
Stories/Analytics/ShoppingComponentsAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Shopping Promo for HGTV done clear clear Analytics Analytics ShoppingComponents
Stories/Analytics/ShoppingComponentsAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Shopping lead for HGTV done clear clear Analytics Analytics ShoppingComponents
Stories/Analytics/ShoppingComponentsAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Shopping Inspiration for HGTV done clear clear Analytics Analytics ShoppingComponents
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AssetDescriptionAuthor.story validate AssetDescription component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor AssetDescription
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AssetDescriptionAuthor.story validate AssetDescription component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor AssetDescription
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AssetDescriptionAuthor.story validate AssetDescription component on an TRAVEL Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor AssetDescription
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AssetTitleAuthor.story validate AssetTitle component on an HGTV Article Template Author page - Validate module(required prereq), title, and style clear clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor AssetTitle
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AssetTitleAuthor.story validate AssetTitle component on an FOOD Article Template Author page - Validate module(required prereq), title, and style done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor AssetTitle
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AttributionAuthor.story validate Attribution component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Attribution
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AttributionAuthor.story validate Attribution component on an COOK Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Attribution
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/AttributionAuthor.story validate Attribution component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Attribution
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BreadcrumbAuthor.story validate Breadcrumb component on a FOOD Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Breadcrumb
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BreadcrumbAuthor.story validate Breadcrumb component on a TRAVEL Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Breadcrumb
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BreadcrumbAuthor.story validate Breadcrumb component on a COOK Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Breadcrumb
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BreadcrumbAuthor.story validate Breadcrumb component on a HGTV Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Breadcrumb
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BulletedListAuthor.story Validate Bulleted List component on a HOME ULP Template Author done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor BulletedList
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/BulletedListAuthor.story Validate Bulleted List component on a FOOD ULP Template Author done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor BulletedList
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ContentFeedAuthor.story validate ContentFeed component on an HGTV TagLanding Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ContentFeed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ContentFeedAuthor.story validate ContentFeed component on an FOOD UniversalLanding Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ContentFeed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/CustomRTEAuthor.story Validate CustomRTE component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor CustomRTE
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/CustomRTEAuthor.story Validate CustomRTE component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor CustomRTE
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/DailyEditionFunctionalAuthor.story Validate Author Food Daily Edition Page done clear done AEMAuthor AEMAuthor DailyEditionFunctional
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/DailyEditionFunctionalAuthor.story Validate Author Home Daily Edition Page done clear done AEMAuthor AEMAuthor DailyEditionFunctional
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/EditorialPromoAuthorCOOK.story Validate Editorial Promo component on an COOK Article Template Author page. done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor EditorialPromoCOOK
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/EditorialPromoAuthorFOOD.story Validate Editorial Promo component on an FOOD Article Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor EditorialPromoFOOD
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/EditorialPromoAuthorHGTV.story Validate Editorial Promo component on an HGTV Article Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor EditorialPromoHGTV
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/EditorialPromoAuthorTRAVEL.story Validate Editorial Promo component on an TRAVEL Article Template Author page. done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor EditorialPromoTRAVEL
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FreeFormHTMLAuthor.story validate Free Form HTML component on an COOK Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FreeFormHTML
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FreeFormHTMLAuthor.story validate Free Form HTML component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FreeFormHTML
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FreeFormHTMLAuthor.story validate Free Form HTML component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FreeFormHTML
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthBannerAuthor.story Validate Full Width Banner component on an HGTV Full Width Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthBanner
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthLeadAuthor.story validate Full Width Lead component on an DISCOVERY Landing Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthLead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthLeadAuthor.story validate Full Width Lead component on an HGTV Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthLead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthPromoAuthor.story validate Full Width Promo component on an HGTV Landing Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthPromoAuthor.story validate Full Width Promo component on an FOOD Landing Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthPromoAuthor.story validate Full Width Promo component on an HGTV Landing Template Author page - Shopping Variant done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthShowLeadAuthor.story Validating Full Width Show Lead component on the DISCOVERY Show Template in the Editor clear clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthShowLead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthStripAuthor.story Validating Full Width Strip component on the DISCOVERY Full Width Page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor FullWidthStrip
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/HeaderAuthorDISCOVERY.story Editing the Header's Fly-Out Nav Item on the DISCOVERY configuration page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ImageEmbedAuthor.story validate Image Embed component on an TRAVEL Article Template Author page. Update Image, Update Description, Restore Original Description done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ImageEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ImageEmbedAuthor.story validate Image Embed component on an COOK Article Template Author page. Update Image, Update Description, Restore Original Description done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ImageEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ImageEmbedAuthor.story validate Image Embed component on an HGTV Article Template Author page. Update Image, Update Description, Restore Original Description done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ImageEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ImageEmbedAuthor.story validate Image Embed component on an FOOD Article Template Author page. Update Image, Update Description, Restore Original Description done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ImageEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InnerRailAuthor.story validate Inner Rail component on FOOD Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InnerRail
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InnerRailAuthor.story validate Inner Rail component on TRAVEL Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InnerRail
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InnerRailAuthor.story validate Inner Rail component on COOK Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InnerRail
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InnerRailAuthor.story validate Inner Rail component on HGTV Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InnerRail
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InstagramEmbedAuthor.story validate InstagramEmbed component on a HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InstagramEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/InstagramEmbedAuthor.story validate InstagramEmbed component on a FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor InstagramEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/JukeboxAuthor.story validate Jukebox component on a HGTV Show Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Jukebox
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/JukeboxAuthor.story validate Jukebox component on a FOOD Show Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Jukebox
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/JukeboxAuthor.story validate Jukebox component on a TRAVEL Show Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Jukebox
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/LeadAuthor.story Validate Lead component on an FOOD Landing Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Lead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/LeadAuthor.story Validate Lead component on an TRAVEL Landing Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Lead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/LeadAuthor.story Validate Lead component on an COOK Landing Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Lead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/LeadAuthor.story Validate Lead component on an HGTV Landing Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Lead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/NewsletterAuthor.story Validate Newsletter component on a HOME ULP Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Newsletter
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/NewsletterAuthor.story Validate Newsletter component on a FOOD ULP Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Newsletter
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/PaginationAuthor.story validate Pagination component on an HGTV Photo Gallery List Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Pagination
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/PaginationAuthor.story validate Pagination component on an COOK Photo Gallery List Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Pagination
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/PaginationAuthor.story validate Pagination component on an FOOD Photo Gallery List Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Pagination
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/PhotoGalleryPromoMVT.story Validate PhotoGallery Promo component on an HGTV photoGallery Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor PhotoGalleryPromoMVT
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/PhotoGalleryPromoMVT.story Validate PhotoGallery Promo component on an FOOD photoGallery Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor PhotoGalleryPromoMVT
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingEmbedAuthor.story Validate Shopping Embed component on HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingInspirationAuthor.story Validate Shopping nspiration component on a FOOD Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingInspirationAuthor.story Validate Shopping nspiration component on a HGTV Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingLeadAuthor.story Validate Shopping Lead component on a FOOD Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingLead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingLeadAuthor.story Validate Shopping Lead component on a HGTV Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingLead
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingPromoAuthorFOOD.story Validate Shopping Promo component on a Full Width Template Author page clear clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingPromoFOOD
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingPromoAuthorHGTV.story Validate Shopping Promo component on a Full Width Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShoppingPromoHGTV
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShowPromoAuthor.story validate ShowPromo component on an HGTV ULP Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShowPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShowPromoAuthor.story validate ShowPromo component on an FOOD ULP Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor ShowPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/SingleVideoEmbedAuthor.story validate Single Video Embed component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/SingleVideoEmbedAuthor.story validate Single Video Embed component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StepByStepEmbedAuthor.story validate Step by Step Embed component on an COOK Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StepByStepEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StepByStepEmbedAuthor.story validate Step by Step Embed component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StepByStepEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StepByStepEmbedAuthor.story validate Step by Step Embed component on an FOOD Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StepByStepEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StepByStepEmbedAuthor.story validate Step by Step Embed component on an TRAVEL Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StepByStepEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StoryPromoAuthor.story validate StoryPromo component on an FOOD FullWidth Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StoryPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/StoryPromoAuthor.story validate StoryPromo component on an HGTV FullWidth Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor StoryPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/SuperLeadHeroAuthor.story validate SuperLeadHero component on an FOOD FullWidth Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor SuperLeadHero
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/SuperLeadHeroAuthor.story validate SuperLeadHero component on an HGTV FullWidth Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor SuperLeadHero
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/SweepsAuthor.story Validate Engage Sciences component on an HGTV Article Template Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor Sweeps
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/TweetEmbedAuthor.story validate TweetEmbed component on a HGTV Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor TweetEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/TweetEmbedAuthor.story validate TweetEmbed component on a FOOD Article Template Author page done clear clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor TweetEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/VideoPlaylistEmbedAuthor.story Validate Video Playlist Embed component on an FOOD ULP Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/VideoPlaylistEmbedAuthor.story Validate Video Playlist Embed component on an HGTV Article Template Author page. done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/VideoPlaylistPromoAuthor.story validate VideoPlaylistPromo component on an FOOD VideoPlaylist Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor VideoPlaylistPromo
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/VideoPlaylistPromoAuthor.story validate VideoPlaylistPromo component on an HGTV VideoPlaylist Author page done done clear AEMAuthor AEMAuthor VideoPlaylistPromo
Stories/Author/AppleNewsAuthor/AppleNews.story Validate the Apple News Syndication Workflow of a HGTV Article done clear clear AppleNewsAuthor AppleNewsAuthor GeneralAppleNews
Stories/Author/AppleNewsAuthor/ArticleAppleNewsSyndication.story Validate the Apple News Syndication Workflow of a HGTV Article clear clear clear AppleNewsAuthor AppleNewsAuthor ArticleSyndication
Stories/Author/AppleNewsAuthor/PhotoGalleryAppleNewsSyndication.story Validate the Apple News Syndication Workflow of a FOOD PhotoGallery clear clear clear AppleNewsAuthor AppleNewsAuthor PhotoGallerySyndication
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DailyEditionWeeklyVisual.story Validate FOOD Daily Edition done clear done EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DailyEditionWeeklyVisual
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DailyEditionWeeklyVisual.story Validate HOME Daily Edition done clear done EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DailyEditionWeeklyVisual
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardGeneralSmokeAuthor.story Validate the FOOD Author Dashboard's basic features done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardGeneralSmoke
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardGeneralSmokeAuthor.story Validate the HGTV Author Dashboard's basic features done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardGeneralSmoke
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardWidgetsFunctionalAuthor.story Validate the FOOD Author Dashboard Widget Data and Filters done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardWidgetsFunctional
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardWidgetsFunctionalAuthor.story Validate the HGTV Author Dashboard Widget Data and Filters done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardWidgetsFunctional
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardWidgetsSmokeAuthor.story Validate the FOOD Author Dashboard's Widgets done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardWidgetsSmoke
Stories/Author/EditorialDashAuthor/DashboardWidgetsSmokeAuthor.story Validate the HGTV Author Dashboard's Widgets done clear clear EditorialDashAuthor EditorialDashAuthor DashboardWidgetsSmoke
Stories/Component/AmazonReviewsVisual.story Testing Amazon Product Reviews on HGTV Amazon Reviews template done done done Component Component AmazonProductReviews
Stories/Component/AmazonReviewsVisual.story Testing Amazon Product Reviews on Food Network Amazon Reviews template done done done Component Component AmazonProductReviews
Stories/Component/AMPAssetNavigationComp.story Validating Asset Navigation on mobile FOOD AMP recipe page done clear done Component Component AMPAssetNavigation
Stories/Component/AMPAssetTitleComp.story Validate Asset Title on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe Template done clear done Component Component AMPAssetTitle
Stories/Component/AMPAttributionComp.story Validate Attribution component (one author with avatar and profile page) on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPAttribution
Stories/Component/AMPAttributionComp.story Validate Attribution component (5 authors with avatar and profile pages) on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPAttribution
Stories/Component/AMPAttributionComp.story Validate Full Attribution on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPAttribution
Stories/Component/AMPAttributionComp.story Validate Attribution component (several authors with no avatar and profile pages) on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPAttribution
Stories/Component/AMPIngredientsComp.story Validate Ingredients component on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPIngredients
Stories/Component/AMPNutritionInfoComp.story Validate NutritionInfo component on mobile FOOD Recipe AMP page done clear done Component Component AMPNutritionInfo
Stories/Component/AMPRecipeInfoComp.story Validate Recipe Info component variations on mobile FOOD AMP Recipe done clear done Component Component AMPRecipeInfo
Stories/Component/AMPRecipeLeadComp.story Validate AMP Recipe Lead component with Image on mobile FOOD recipe page done clear done Component Component AMPRecipeLead
Stories/Component/AMPRecipeLeadComp.story Validate AMP Recipe Lead component with Video on mobile FOOD recipe page done clear done Component Component AMPRecipeLead
Stories/Component/AssetDescriptionComp.story validate long Asset Description on the recipe template done clear done Component Component AssetDescription
Stories/Component/AssetDescriptionComp.story validate Asset Description Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component AssetDescription
Stories/Component/AssetDescriptionComp.story validate short Asset Description on the recipe template done clear done Component Component AssetDescription
Stories/Component/AssetNavigationComp.story Validating Asset Navigation on recipe beta page done clear done Component Component AssetNavigation
Stories/Component/AssetPrintComp.story Validate COOK: recipe print action - To Ensure Recipe Print dialogue is seen clear clear done Component Component AssetPrint
Stories/Component/AssetPrintComp.story Validate FOOD: recipe print action - To Ensure Recipe Print dialogue is seen clear clear done Component Component AssetPrint
Stories/Component/AssetSaveComp/PhotoGalleryAssetSaveComp.story Saving a FOOD Photo Gallery to Saves and adding to the boards done done done AssetSaveComp Component PhotoGalleryAssetSave
Stories/Component/AssetSaveComp/RecipeAssetSaveComp.story Saving a FOOD Recipe to Saves and adding to the boards done done done AssetSaveComp Component RecipeAssetSave
Stories/Component/AssetSaveComp/SingleVideoAssetSaveComp.story Saving a FOOD Single Video to Saves and adding to the boards clear done done AssetSaveComp Component SingleVideoAssetSave
Stories/Component/AssetTitleComp.story Validate Asset Title on the beta recipe template done clear done Component Component AssetTitle
Stories/Component/AssetTitleComp.story Validate Theming for Asset Title module page on Component Library done clear done Component Component AssetTitle
Stories/Component/AttributionComp.story Validate Attribution Component with one author with avatar and profile page for FOOD Recipe Page done clear done Component Component Attribution
Stories/Component/AttributionComp.story Validate Attribution Component with neither author nor avatar nor profile page for FOOD Recipe Page done clear done Component Component Attribution
Stories/Component/AttributionComp.story Validate Full Attribution Component for FOOD Recipe Page done clear done Component Component Attribution
Stories/Component/AttributionComp.story Validate Attribution Component with five authors with avatars and profile pages for FOOD Recipe Page done clear done Component Component Attribution
Stories/Component/AttributionComp.story validate Attribution Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component Attribution
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Skimlinks Affiliation and skimlinks on TRAVEL Article page. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Auto Affiliation and skimlinks on HGTV Sponsored Photo Gallery page. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Auto Affiliation Restriction and skimlinks on FOOD Sponsored Gallery page. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Auto Affiliation and skimlinks on TLC Gallery page. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Auto Affiliation and skimlinks on HGTV Sponsored Article page with Shopping Embed. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AutoAffiliationLinksComp.story Testing Auto Affiliation Restriction and skimlinks on FOOD Sponsored Article page. clear clear clear Component Component AutoAffiliation
Stories/Component/AZIndexComp.story validate AZIndex component smoke done clear clear Component Component AzIndex
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Full Banner on COOK done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Full Banner on HGTV done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Responsive Banner on HGTV done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Responsive Banner on FOOD done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Responsive Banner on TRAVEL done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Responsive Banner on COOK done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Default Banner on HGTV done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Full Banner on FOOD done done done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/Banner.story Testing Full Banner on TRAVEL done clear done Component Component Banner
Stories/Component/BreadCrumbComp.story validate BreadCrumb Module page on the component Library - done clear done Component Component BreadCrumb
Stories/Component/BreadCrumbComp.story validate DISCOVERY BreadCrumb Module done clear done Component Component BreadCrumb
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of DISCOVERY Bulleted List component - article template done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of DISCOVERY Bulleted List component - 2-column template right rail done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of static elements for the Bulleted List component done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of DISCOVERY Bulleted List component - full width template done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of DISCOVERY Bulleted List component - 2-column template content well done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/BulletedListComp.story Visual test of dynamic elements for the Bulleted List component done clear done Component Component BulletedList
Stories/Component/CategoryComp.story Validating Page-Level Categories Module on Desktop : HGTV : Tag Landing Page with 7 items done done done Component Component CategoryModule
Stories/Component/CategoryComp.story Validating Page-Level Categories Module on Desktop : HGTV : Landing Page with 3 items done done done Component Component CategoryModule
Stories/Component/ChefsNotesComp.story Validate ChefsNotes component on a recipe page on desktop FOOD done clear done Component Component ChefsNotes
Stories/Component/ComparisonComp.story validate Comparison component page on componentLibrary.testing - done clear done Component Component Comparison
Stories/Component/ContentFeedComp.story Visual validation of full-width Content Feed Component on ULP responsive template done done done Component Component ContentFeed
Stories/Component/ContentFeedComp.story Visual validation of non-full-width Content Feed Component on ULP responsive template done clear done Component Component ContentFeed
Stories/Component/ContentFeedComp.story validate ContentFeed Module against the component library done clear done Component Component ContentFeed
Stories/Component/CopyrightComp.story validate Copyright Module on the component Library- done clear clear Component Component Copyright
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - Sponsorship and its Inheritance Rules (Hub) done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - SEO:Title on Article done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - SEO:Title on ULP done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - Sponsorship and its Inheritance Rules done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - SEO:Title on Tag Landing done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - SEO:Title on Recipe done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomPageProperties.story Validate the Custom Page Properties - og:title on Photo Gallery done clear clear Component Component CustomPageProperties
Stories/Component/CustomRTEComp.story Visual Validation of Custom RTE Module on the component Library done clear done Component Component CustomRTE
Stories/Component/EditorialPromoComp.story Visual And Functional validation of EditorialPromo page on Component Library done clear done Component Component EditorialPromo
Stories/Component/EpisodeFeedComp.story Validate Episode Feed Module on HGTV Show Page done done done Component Component EpisodeFeed
Stories/Component/EpisodeFeedComp.story Validate Episode Feed Module on FOOD Show Page done done done Component Component EpisodeFeed
Stories/Component/EpisodeLeadComp.story validate Episode Lead Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component EpisodeLead
Stories/Component/EpisodeListComp.story Visual and Functional Validation of Epiosde List Component Page done clear done Component Component EpisodeList
Stories/Component/EpisodePaginationComp.story Visual Validation of Episode Pagination Component done clear done Component Component EpisodePagination
Stories/Component/EpisodeTuneInComp.story Validate Episode Tune-in on a Golden Show Page done done done Component Component EpisodeTuneIn
Stories/Component/ExploreMoreComp.story Verify clicked image on Explore Module is equal to Image on Single Image page. done clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/ExploreMoreComp.story validate Explore More Component on the Single Image page.Meta: clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/FollowUsComp.story Test the Follow Us Component which includes dynamic functionatliy. done clear done Component Component FollowUs
Stories/Component/FooterComp.story validate Site New Footer Module page on HGTV.testing - done done clear Component Component Footer
Stories/Component/FooterComp.story validate Site New Footer Module page on FOOD.testing - done done clear Component Component Footer
Stories/Component/FreeFormHTMLComp.story Visual validation of FreeFormHTML component page on Component Library done clear done Component Component FreeFormHTML
Stories/Component/FromOurSisterSitesComp.story validate From-Our-Sister-Sites Module page on HGTV.testing - Validate module done clear done Component Component FromOurSisterSites
Stories/Component/FullAttributionComp.story validate Full Attribution Module page on HGTV.testing - done clear done Component Component FullAttribution
Stories/Component/FullWidthBannerComp.story Validate Full Width Banner Module on the Full Width P?ge done done done Component Component FullWidthBanner
Stories/Component/FullWidthBannerComp.story Validate Full Width Banner Module with on the Full Width P?ge - formatted legal text done clear done Component Component FullWidthBanner
Stories/Component/FullWidthBannerComp.story Validate Full Width Banner for HGTV Shop lander Various Setups Visual done done done Component Component FullWidthBanner
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompDISCOVERY.story Visual Validation of DISCOVERY Full Width Lead component - single video as lead item done done done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompDISCOVERY.story Visual Validation of DISCOVERY Full Width Lead component - photo gallery as lead item done done done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompDISCOVERY.story Visual Validation of DISCOVERY Full Width Lead component - video playlist as lead item done clear done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompHGTV.story Visual Validation of HGTV Full Width Lead component - ULP page as lead item done clear done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompHGTV.story Visual Validation of HGTV Full Width Lead component - photo gallery as lead item done done done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthLeadCompHGTV.story Visual Validation of HGTV Full Width Lead component - Article page as lead item done clear done Component Component FullWidthLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v4 - Featured Article and 2 Videos - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v6 - Episode Mega Card - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story validate Full Width Promo Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v1 - Video, Gallery and Article - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v3 - 2 Galleries - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v5 - Featured Video - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v7 - Playlist Mega Card - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo for DISCOVERY Various Setups Visual done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoComp.story Validate Full Width Promo v2 - Gallery and Video - on DISCOVERY Show Template done clear done Component Component FullWidthPromo
Stories/Component/FullWidthPromoShoppingComp.story Visual Validation of HGTV Full Width Promo component - Shopping Variant done done done Component Component FullWidthPromoShopping
Stories/Component/FullWidthShowLeadComp.story Validating Full Width Show Lead component v2 on the DISCOVERY Show Template clear done done Component Component FullWidthShowLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthShowLeadComp.story Validating Full Width Show Lead component v1 on the DISCOVERY Show Template clear done done Component Component FullWidthShowLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthShowLeadComp.story Validating Full Width Show Lead component v3 on the DISCOVERY Show Template clear clear done Component Component FullWidthShowLead
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 2 Visually and Functionally done done done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 4 Visually and Functionally done clear done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 6 Visually and Functionally done clear done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 1 Visually and Functionally done clear done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 3 Visually and Functionally done done done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/FullWidthStripComp.story Validating Discovery Full Width Strip Variation 5 Visually and Functionally done clear done Component Component FullWidthStrip
Stories/Component/HeaderComp.story validate Site Header Module page on TLCME. clear done done Component Component Header
Stories/Component/HeaderComp.story validate Site Header Module page on HGTV. clear done done Component Component Header
Stories/Component/HeaderComp.story validate Site Header Module page on Food. clear done done Component Component Header
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Main Header Area Styles and Functional Attributes (including mobile menu) done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Header Search Dropdown done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Visually validating DISCOVERY Header on the Search page done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Main Header Area Nav Item Dropdowns (Shows & More) done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Top Header Area Styles and Functional Attributes done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Header Site Logo on Site Search results template done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Visually validating DISCOVERY Header on the Home page done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Header Fly-Out Nav Items done done done Component Component HeaderDISCOVERY
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Header Fly-Out Nav Items - Non-Trending done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Main Header Area Styles and Functional Attributes done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Header Nav Items done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Main Header Area Secondary Nav done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Visually validating HGTV Header on the Home page done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Header Search Dropdown done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompHGTV.story Validating HGTV Header Fly-Out Nav Items - Trending done done done Component Component HeaderHGTV
Stories/Component/HeaderCompTLC.story Validating TLC Top Header Area Styles and Functional Attributes done done done Component Component HeaderTLC
Stories/Component/HeaderCompTLC.story Validating TLC Header Search Dropdown done done done Component Component HeaderTLC
Stories/Component/HeaderCompTLC.story Validating TLC Main Header Area Styles and Functional Attributes (including mobile menu) done done done Component Component HeaderTLC
Stories/Component/HeaderCompTLC.story Visually validating TLC Header on the Home page done done done Component Component HeaderTLC
Stories/Component/ImageEmbedComp.story validate Image Embed Component in the component libraray done clear done Component Component ImageEmbed
Stories/Component/ImmersiveLeadComp.story Validation of Immersive Lead Component with still image done done done Component Component ImmersiveLead
Stories/Component/IngredientsComp.story Validate Ingredients component on recipe page on desktop FOOD done clear done Component Component Ingredients
Stories/Component/InnerRailComp.story Visual Validation of Inner Rail Module in Component Libary done clear done Component Component InnerRail
Stories/Component/InstagramEmbedComp.story validate Instagram Embed module - HGTV clear clear done Component Component InstagramEmbed
Stories/Component/JukeboxComp.story validate JukeBox Module - HGTV done done done Component Component Jukebox
Stories/Component/JukeboxComp.story Visual validation of Jukebox Component on ULP responsive template done clear done Component Component Jukebox
Stories/Component/LeadComp.story validate Leads Component page on Component Library - Validate module, Links, and style. done clear done Component Component Lead
Stories/Component/LeadComp.story validate Carousel Lead Component on ULP responsive template (without POI and recipe) done clear done Component Component Lead
Stories/Component/LeadComp.story validate Carousel Lead Component on ULP responsive template (with POI and recipe) done clear done Component Component Lead
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on TRAVEL Article template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on FOOD Gallery template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on FOOD Article template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on HGTV Photo Gallery template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on TRAVEL Gallery template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/LegalCopyVisual.story Testing Legal Copy on HGTV Article template done clear done Component Component LegalCopy
Stories/Component/ListArticleComp.story validate MediaStrip module page on Component Library - done clear done Component Component ListArticle
Stories/Component/ListPhotoVisual.story Testing Full Banner and slide overlay with STL done clear done Component Component ListPhoto
Stories/Component/ListPhotoVisual.story Testing Full Banner and slide overlay with no STL done clear done Component Component ListPhoto
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component No Promo Image amd Global Defaults - FOOD done done done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component No Promo Image amd Global Defaults - DISCOVERY clear clear done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component Asset Level OVERRIDES - HGTV done done done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component Asset Level OVERRIDES - FOOD done done done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component Asset Level OVERRIDES - DISCOVERY clear clear done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component No Promo Image amd Global Defaults - HGTV done done done Component Component MarketingModule
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on DISCOVERY article template - photos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on DISCOVERY universal landing template - photos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of MediaStrip Photo Overlay module page on Component Library - done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on ULP responsive template - videos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on DISCOVERY article template - videos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on DISCOVERY universal landing template - videos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MediaStripComp.story Visual validation of Media Strip Component on ULP responsive template - photos done clear done Component Component MediaStrip
Stories/Component/MyPrivateNotesComp.story My Private Notes component visual and functional validation on recipe page done clear done Component Component MyPrivateNotes
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Right Rail Subscription done clear done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Subscription done done done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Right Rail done clear done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Right Rail Invalid Email done clear done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually done clear done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Invalid Email Subscription done clear done Component Component NewsLetter
Stories/Component/NextUpComp.story validate NextUp Module page on HGTV.testing - done clear clear Component Component NextUp
Stories/Component/NutritionInfoComp.story Validate NutritionInfo component on FOOD recipe template done clear done Component Component NutritionInfo
Stories/Component/PackagePromoComp.story Validate Package Promo component on Golden HGTV done clear done Component Component PackagePromo
Stories/Component/PackagePromoComp.story Validate Package Promo component on Golden DISCOVERY - on Single Video and Video Playlist pages done clear done Component Component PackagePromo
Stories/Component/PackagePromoComp.story Validate Package Promo component on Golden Food done clear done Component Component PackagePromo
Stories/Component/PackagePromoComp.story Validate Package Promo component on Golden DISCOVERY - on Photo Gallery page done clear done Component Component PackagePromo
Stories/Component/PaginationModule.story Validation of Pagination Module done clear clear Component Module Pagination
Stories/Component/PairingComp.story Validate Pairing Module on the recipe page- done done clear Component Component Pairing
Stories/Component/PhotoCollageComp.story validate PhotoCollage Module page on HGTV.testing - done clear clear Component Component PhotoCollage
Stories/Component/PhotoGalleryListComp.story Validation of Photo Gallery List Component Page done done clear Component Component PhotoGalleryList
Stories/Component/PhotoGalleryPromoComp.story Visual validation of DISCOVERY Photo Gallery Promo module - next up done done done Component Component PhotoGalleryPromo
Stories/Component/PhotoGalleryPromoComp.story Visual validation of Photo Gallery Promo module page on Component Library - done clear done Component Component PhotoGalleryPromo
Stories/Component/PhotoGalleryPromoComp.story Validation of HGTV Photo Gallery Module done clear done Component Component PhotoGalleryPromo
Stories/Component/PhotoGalleryPromoComp.story Visual validation of DISCOVERY Photo Gallery Promo module - photo slides done done done Component Component PhotoGalleryPromo
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with Shop the Look button selected. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with search results on Feed page. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component clear clear clear Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with multiple filters selected. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with filters from URL. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Page Title on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Banner on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Filters on Photo Inspiration Feed page from URL. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Page Title on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Filters on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Facet Promo on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoInspirationFeedFiltersComp.story validate Filters by conducting search on Photo Inspiration Feed page. clear clear done Component Component PhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoLibraryFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with Shop the Look button selected on Photo Library landing template. done clear clear Component Component PhotoLibraryFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoLibraryFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with search results on landing page. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoLibraryFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoLibraryFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component on Photo Library landing clear clear clear Component Component PhotoLibraryFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoLibraryFeedComp.story Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Component with multiple filters selected on Photo Library landing page. clear clear clear Component Component PhotoLibraryFeed
Stories/Component/PhotoLibraryViewerComp.story Validation of HGTV Photo Library Viewer Functionality done clear clear Component Module PhotoLibraryViewer
Stories/Component/PhotoOverlayComp.story Validation of DISCOVERY Photo Overlay module - media strip done clear done Component Component PhotoOverlay
Stories/Component/PhotoOverlayComp.story Validation of FOOD Photo Overlay module - on responsive ULP media strip done clear done Component Component PhotoOverlay
Stories/Component/PhotoOverlayComp.story Validation of HGTV Photo Overlay module - on Component Library media strip done clear done Component Component PhotoOverlay
Stories/Component/PinterestEmbedComp.story validate Pinterest Embed module - HGTV done done done Component Component Pinterest
Stories/Component/PinterestPinEmbedComp.story validate Pinterest Pin Embed module for Component Library - done clear done Component Component PinterestPin
Stories/Component/PointOfInterestComp.story Visual Validation Of Point Of Interest template page on golden-food done clear done Component Component PointOfInterest
Stories/Component/ProfileContactComp.story validate Profile Contact on Golden Set Page - Validation of module done clear done Component Component ProfileContact
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 2-column template - more than 3 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 1-column/full-width template - 2 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Visual Validation of ProfilePromo Component - KitchenSink ContentWell variation on Component Library done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 1-column/full-width template - more than 3 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 2-column template - 1 profile done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 2-column template - 3 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 1-column/full-width template - 1 profile done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 1-column/full-width template - 3 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story : Visual Validation of static content ProfilePromo Component - KitchenSink RightRail variation on Component Library done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProfilePromoComp.story Validation of Profile Promo Component on Discovery 2-column template - 2 profiles done clear done Component Component ProfilePromo
Stories/Component/ProgramScheduleComp.story Visual Validation of Program Schedule Component - For Day 1 done done done Component Component ProgramSchedule
Stories/Component/PromoCollageComp.story validate PromoCollage Module against the component library done clear clear Component Component PromoCollage
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on TRAVEL Article template done clear done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on FOOD Gallery template done clear done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on FOOD Article template done clear done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on HGTV Gallery template done clear done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on TRAVEL Gallery template done clear done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PublishDateVisual.story Testing Publish Date on HGTV Article template done done done Component Component PublishDate
Stories/Component/PullQuoteComp.story validate Pull Quote in the component library done clear done Component Component PullQuote
Stories/Component/RecipeInfoComp.story Visually validate Recipe Info component variations on recipe beta page done clear done Component Component RecipeInfo
Stories/Component/RecipeLeadComp.story Validating Recipe Lead with 1 video on FOOD recipe template done clear done Component Component RecipeLead
Stories/Component/RecipeLeadComp.story Validating Recipe Lead with image on FOOD recipe template done clear done Component Component RecipeLead
Stories/Component/RecipeLeadComp.story Validating Recipe Lead with 5 videos on FOOD recipe template done clear done Component Component RecipeLead
Stories/Component/RelatedContentLeadComp.story validate RelatedContentLead in component library - done clear done Component Component RelatedContentLead
Stories/Component/RelatedTagsComp.story validate Related Tags Module page on HGTV. - done clear clear Component Component RelatedTags
Stories/Component/ReminderComp.story Validate Reminder Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component Reminder
Stories/Component/ReminderComp.story Validate Reminder Module on ULP responsive template done clear done Component Component Reminder
Stories/Component/SearchSpotlightComp.story Test for the Search Spotlight component done clear done Component Component SearchSpotlight
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story validate of Shopping Embed Component on ULP responsive template - carousel done clear done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate TRAVEL Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup done clear done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate TLCme Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup done clear done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story validate of Shopping Embed Component on ULP responsive template - grid done clear done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate HGTV Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup done done done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate FOOD Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup done done done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story validate Shopping Embed module - HGTV done done done Component Component ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration with description and no label on full width page done clear done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration Component on ULP responsive template - single done done done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration with Label, Description, and 2 slides done done done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration with label and no description on full width page done clear done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration Component on ULP responsive template - carousel done clear done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual And Functional validation of Shopping Inspiration Component done clear done Component Component ShoppingInspiration
Stories/Component/ShoppingLeadComp.story validate Shopping Lead on Full Width Promo page clear done done Component Component ShoppingLead
Stories/Component/ShoppingPromoComp.story validate Shopping Promo with 2 assets on Article page done clear done Component Component ShoppingPromo
Stories/Component/ShoppingPromoComp.story validate Shopping Promo on Full Width Promo page clear done done Component Component ShoppingPromo
Stories/Component/ShoppingPromoComp.story validate Shopping Promo with 1 asset on Article page done clear done Component Component ShoppingPromo
Stories/Component/ShoppingPromoComp.story validate Shopping Promo with 3 assets on Article page done clear done Component Component ShoppingPromo
Stories/Component/ShowPromoComp.story Visual and Functional Validation of Show Promo module page on Component Library done clear done Component Component ShowPromo
Stories/Component/SingleImageComp.story validate Image Embed Component in the component libraray done done done Component Component SingleImage
Stories/Component/SingleImageInspirationFeedComp.story validate Image Embed Component in the component libraray done done done Component Component SingleImageInspirationFeed
Stories/Component/SingleVideoEmbedComp.story validate Single Video-Embed Module page on DISCOVERY two-column fixed template (visual) done clear done Component Component SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Component/SingleVideoEmbedComp.story validate Single Video-Embed Module page on HGTV done clear done Component Component SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Component/SingleVideoEmbedComp.story validate Single Video-Embed Module page on DISCOVERY two-column fixed template (styles check) done clear done Component Component SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Component/SiteSearchModule.story Validation of Site Search Functionality done clear clear Component Module SiteSearch
Stories/Component/SpecialEquipmentComp.story Validate SpecialEquipment component on recipe page on desktop FOOD done clear done Component Component SpecialEquipment
Stories/Component/SponsorBlockComp.story Visually validate Sponsor Block Component done clear done Component Component Sponsors
Stories/Component/StepByStepEmbedComp.story validate Step By Step Embed module for Component Library - done clear done Component Component StepByStepEmbed
Stories/Component/StoryPromoComp.story Visually validate Dyanmic variants of the StoryPromo component - done clear done Component Component StoryPromo
Stories/Component/StoryPromoComp.story Visually validate static variants of the StoryPromo component - done clear done Component Component StoryPromo
Stories/Component/SubNavigationComp.story Visually validate SubNavigation page on HGTV component testing - done clear done Component Component SubNavigation
Stories/Component/SuperLeadHeroComp.story Validate FOOD SuperLeadHero Component done done done Component Component SuperLeadHero
Stories/Component/SuperLeadHeroComp.story Validate HGTV SuperLeadHero Component done done done Component Component SuperLeadHero
Stories/Component/SuperLeadThemedComp.story validate SuperLeadThemed module for Component Library - done clear clear Component Component SuperLeadThemed
Stories/Component/TagsComp.story validate Tags Module on the component Library- done clear done Component Component Tags
Stories/Component/TextPromoModule.story Visual Validation of Text Promo Module/component for the component library done clear done Component Component TextPromo
Stories/Component/TweetEmbedComp.story validate Tweet Embed module for Component Library - done clear clear Component Component TweetEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoMetadataComp.story validation of video metadata module on DISCOVERY Single Video page done clear clear Component Component VideoMetadata
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of DISCOVERY Video Overlay module - on full width promo done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of HGTV Video Overlay module - on Component Library video playlist embed done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of DISCOVERY Video Overlay module done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of FOOD Video Overlay module - on full width promo done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of FOOD Video Overlay module - on ULP media strip done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of FOOD Video Overlay module - on ULP video playlist embed done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoOverlayComp.story Validation of HGTV Video Overlay module - on Component Library media strip done clear done Component Component VideoOverlay
Stories/Component/VideoPlayerComp.story validation of video player module on DISCOVERY Single Video page done clear clear Component Component VideoPlayer
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on DISCOVERY 2-column template - inline done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on DISCOVERY 1-column template - inline done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed (Overlay) for the component library done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on ULP responsive template - inline done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on DISCOVERY 2-column template - inline done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on DISCOVERY full width template - inline done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual and Functional Validation of Video Playlist Embed (Inline) for the component library clear clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistEmbedComp.story Visual validation of Video Playlist Embed Component on ULP responsive template - overlay done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistEmbed
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistPromoComp.story Visual and Functional Validation of Video PlayList Promo Component - HGTV done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistPromo
Stories/Component/VideoPlaylistPromoComp.story Visual and Functional Validation of Video PlayList Promo Component - DISCOVERY done clear done Component Component VideoPlaylistPromo
Stories/Component/VideoPromoComp.story Validate Video Promo component on FOOD Recipe Template (no video + show + episode sources) done clear done Component Component VideoPromo
Stories/Component/VideoPromoComp.story Validate Video Promo component on FOOD Recipe Template (video + show + episode sources) done clear done Component Component VideoPromo
Stories/Component/VineEmbedComp.story Visual Validation of Vine Embed module for Component Library done clear done Component Component VineEmbed
Stories/Component/VoteComp.story validate Voting component on HGTV - vote for first gallery done clear done Component Component Vote
Stories/Component/VoteComp.story validate Voting component on HGTV - vote for second gallery done clear done Component Component Vote
Stories/Component/WarningsComp.story Validate Warnings component on a recipe page on desktop FOOD done clear done Component Component Warnings
Stories/Component/WeRecommendComp.story Visual Validation of We Recommend Component on FOOD Photo Gallery done clear done Component Component WeRecommend
Stories/Component/WeRecommendComp.story Visual Validation of We Recommend Component on HGTV Photo Gallery done clear done Component Component WeRecommend
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV FOOD displays correctly before last ten minutes of show done done done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV TRAVEL displays correctly before last ten minutes of show done clear done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV COOK displays correctly before last ten minutes of show done clear done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV HGTV displays correctly after last ten minutes of show done done done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV FOOD displays correctly after last ten minutes of show done done done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV TRAVEL displays correctly after last ten minutes of show done clear done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV COOK displays correctly after last ten minutes of show done clear done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/Component/WhatsOnTvComp.story On TV HGTV displays correctly before last ten minutes of show done done done Component Component WhatsOnTv
Stories/MealMatch/CfaButtons.story Recipe Action Buttons Validation done clear done MealMatch MealMatch CFA
Stories/MealMatch/MatchedRecipeContainer.story Recipe Matching validation done clear done MealMatch MealMatch RecipeContainer
Stories/MealMatch/MealMatchApp.story Meal Match Template Visual Validation done clear done MealMatch MealMatch Template
Stories/Saves/SavesApp.story Validate Saves Template on mobile & desktop FOOD done clear done Saves Saves Template
Stories/Sitemap/SitemapValidation.story Validation of golden-food sitemap done done clear Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap
Stories/Sitemap/SitemapValidation.story Validation of golden-travel sitemap done done clear Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap
Stories/Sweeps/CustomEntrySweeps.story Verify Custom Sweeps Workflow end to end for a new User done done clear Sweeps Sweeps CustomEntry
Stories/Sweeps/CustomReentrySweeps.story Verify subsequent entry Custom Sweeps Workflow end to end done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps CustomReentry
Stories/Sweeps/EntrySweeps.story Verify Standard Sweeps Workflow end to end for a new User done done clear Sweeps Sweeps Entry
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartFourSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for empty street address on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartFour
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartFourSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for invalid zip on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartFour
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartFourSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for empty city on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartFour
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartFourSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for invalid phone number on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartFour
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartOneSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for an empty user email on SweepsEntryPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartOne
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartOneSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for invalid last name on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartOne
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartOneSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for an invalid user email on SweepsEntryPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartOne
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartOneSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for invalid first name on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartOne
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartOneSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for an empty email on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartOne
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartThreeSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for first name of max length more than 64 characters on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartThree
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartThreeSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for duplicate entry on email entry page done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartThree
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartThreeSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for last name of max length more than 128 characters on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartThree
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartTwoSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for empty date of birth on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartTwo
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartTwoSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for date of birth less than 13yrs provider on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartTwo
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartTwoSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for unselected cable or service provider on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartTwo
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartTwoSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for date of birth of 18yrs on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartTwo
Stories/Sweeps/ErrorsPartTwoSweeps.story Verify Sweeps Error message for unselected gender on SweepsRegistrationPage done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps ErrorsPartTwo
Stories/Sweeps/InitialEntrySweeps.story Verify Sweeps Workflow end to end for a new User done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps InitialEntry
Stories/Sweeps/ReentrySweeps.story Verify subsequent entry Standard Sweeps Workflow end to end done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps Reentry
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyDataSweeps.story verification of mixed content errors are absent done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyData
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyDataSweeps.story verification of available states on Registration form done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyData
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyDataSweeps.story verification of available Cable/Service providers on Registration form done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyData
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithIframeEntrySweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for email entry page within iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksEntry
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithIframeRegistrationSweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for Registration page within iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksRegistration
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithIframeThankYouSweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for Thank You page within iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksThankYou
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithoutIframeEntrySweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for email entry page out of iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksEntry
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithoutIframeRegistrationSweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for Registration page out of iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksRegistration
Stories/Sweeps/VerifyLinksWithoutIframeThankYouSweeps.story Verification of Sweeps links for Thank You page out of iframe done clear clear Sweeps Sweeps VerifyLinksThankYou
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionModalVisual.story Validate the author syndication recipe modal page. done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionModalVisual
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionModalVisual.story Validate the author syndication video modal page. done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionModalVisual
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionModalVisual.story Validate the author syndication daily tip gallery modal page. done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionModalVisual
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionVisual.story Validate the chrome extension loaded on the page and validated the form done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionVisual
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionVisual.story Validate the chrome extension loaded on the page and validated the form done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionVisual
Stories/Syndication/ExtensionVisual.story Validate the chrome extension loaded on the page and validated the form done clear done Syndication Syndication ExtensionVisual
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate HGTV Gallery products json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate FOOD Photo Galleries produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate TRAVEL Gallery products json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate FoodNetwork Gallery products json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate HGTV Articles produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate Travel Photo Galleries produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate HGTV Article ShoppingEmbed json from for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate FOOD Articles produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate FoodNetwork Article ShoppingEmbed json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate Travel Articles produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate HGTV Photo Galleries produce valid json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/AppleNewsTemplate.story Validate Travel Article ShoppingEmbed json for apple news done done clear Template Template AppleNews
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on FOOD done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on TRAVEL done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on DISCOVERY done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on HGTV done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on COOK done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on TLCME done done clear Template Template ArticleStream
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Validate article template page on FOOD done done done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story visually validate aritlce template page on golden-travel done clear done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Validate article template page on COOK done done done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Validate article template page on HOME done done done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Visually validate article template page on Crime done done done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Validate article template page on TLCME done done done Template Template Article
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplateDISCOVERY.story Validate article template page on DISCOVERY - with breadcrumbs done clear done Template Template DISCOVERYArticle
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplateDISCOVERY.story Validate article template page on DISCOVERY done done done Template Template DISCOVERYArticle
Stories/Template/ArticleWithShoppingTemplate.story visually validate article template page with products on golden-food done clear done Template Template ArticleShopping
Stories/Template/ArticleWithShoppingTemplate.story visually validate article template page with products on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template ArticleShopping
Stories/Template/ArticleWithShoppingTemplate.story visually validate article template page with products on golden-travel done clear done Template Template ArticleShopping
Stories/Template/AzIndexTemplate.story Validate AZ Index page on Golden HGTV done clear done Template Template AzIndex
Stories/Template/AzIndexTemplate.story validate AZ Index page on Golden FOOD done done done Template Template AzIndex
Stories/Template/AzIndexTemplate.story Validate AZ Index page on Golden TRAVEL done clear done Template Template AzIndex
Stories/Template/AzIndexTemplate.story Validate AZ Index page on Golden COOK done clear done Template Template AzIndex
Stories/Template/BigBoxAdTemplate.story Validate Mobile Big Box Advertisement on Photo Gallery on Golden-FOOD done done done Template Template BigBoxAd
Stories/Template/BigBoxAdTemplate.story Validate Mobile Big Box Advertisement on Photo Gallery on Golden-HGTV done done done Template Template BigBoxAd
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoInspirationFeedLightboxTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Lightbox on Photo Inspiration Feed Template clear clear done Template Template LightboxPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Feed Template done clear done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration template with filters from URL. clear clear done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template with Shop the Look button selected. clear clear done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual and Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template No Search Results. done done done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoLibraryLandingFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template with Shop the Look button selected. clear clear done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/DesktopPhotoLibraryLandingFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Library landing Template clear clear done Template Template DesktopPhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/EditorialTemplate.story Validation of Editorial Profile Page on Travel Golden clear clear clear Template Template EditorialProfile
Stories/Template/EditorialTemplate.story Validation of Editorial Profile Page on COOK Golden done clear clear Template Template EditorialProfile
Stories/Template/EditorialTemplate.story Validation of Editorial Profile Page on HGTV Golden done clear clear Template Template EditorialProfile
Stories/Template/EditorialTemplate.story Validation of Editorial Profile Page on FOOD Golden done clear clear Template Template EditorialProfile
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story Visual test of episode page on Golden TLC done done done Template Template EpisodeList
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story validate episode page on Golden FOOD done clear done Template Template EpisodeList
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story Visual test of episode page on Golden DISCOVERY done done done Template Template EpisodeList
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story validate episode page on Golden HGTV done done done Template Template EpisodeList
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story validate episode page on Golden COOK done clear done Template Template EpisodeList
Stories/Template/EpisodeTemplate.story validate episode page on Golden FOOD done clear done Template Template Episode
Stories/Template/EpisodeTemplate.story Validate episode page on Golden DISCOVERY done done done Template Template Episode
Stories/Template/EpisodeTemplate.story validate episode page on Golden HGTV done clear done Template Template Episode
Stories/Template/EpisodeTemplate.story validate episode page on Golden COOK done done done Template Template Episode
Stories/Template/EpisodeTemplate.story Validate episode page on Golden TLC done done done Template Template Episode
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story Validate Desktop Full Width CrimeFeed done clear done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story Validate Full Width With SuperLead CrimeFeed done clear done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-tlc done done done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-food done done done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-travel done done done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story Validate Mobile Full Width CrimeFeed done clear done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story Validate Mobile Full Width With SuperLead CrimeFeed done clear done Template Template FullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplateDISCOVERY.story validate Full Width template on golden-discovery done clear done Template Template DISCOVERYFullWidth
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplateDISCOVERY.story validate Full Width template on golden-discovery done done done Template Template DISCOVERYFullWidth
Stories/Template/GalleryShoppingTemplate.story visually validate gallery template page with products on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template GalleryShopping
Stories/Template/GalleryShoppingTemplate.story visually validate gallery template page with products on golden-travel done clear done Template Template GalleryShopping
Stories/Template/GalleryShoppingTemplate.story visually validate gallery template page with products on golden-food done clear done Template Template GalleryShopping
Stories/Template/GalleryVoteTemplate.story validate Gallery-Vote template page on golden-food done done done Template Template GalleryVote
Stories/Template/GalleryVoteTemplate.story validate Gallery-Vote template page on golden-travel done done done Template Template GalleryVote
Stories/Template/GalleryVoteTemplate.story validate Gallery-Vote template page on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template GalleryVote
Stories/Template/GalleryVoteTemplate.story validate Gallery-Vote template page on golden-cook done done done Template Template GalleryVote
Stories/Template/GigyaTemplate.story Validate the Gigya Log In Functionality on Golden HGTV clear clear done Template Template Gigya
Stories/Template/GigyaTemplate.story Validate the Gigya Log In Functionality on Golden COOK clear clear done Template Template Gigya
Stories/Template/GigyaTemplate.story Validate the Gigya Log In Functionality on Golden FOOD clear done done Template Template Gigya
Stories/Template/HomePageTemplate.story Validate FOOD Home Page Components & Header Navigation Components done done clear Template Template HomePage
Stories/Template/HomePageTemplate.story Validate TRAVEL Home Page Components & Header Navigation Components done done clear Template Template HomePage
Stories/Template/HomePageTemplate.story Validate HGTV Home Page Components & Header Navigation Components done done clear Template Template HomePage
Stories/Template/HomePageTemplate.story Validate COOK Home Page Components & Header Navigation Components done done clear Template Template HomePage
Stories/Template/IDSP_Template.story Validate the IDSP (Dalton) Log In Functionality on Golden COOK done clear done Template Template IDSP
Stories/Template/IDSP_Template.story Validate the ISP (Dalton) Log In Functionality on Golden FOOD done done done Template Template IDSP
Stories/Template/JsonLdFullWidthTemplate.story Validation to ensure Json Ld schema is validate on FOOD Home Page clear clear clear Template Template JsonLd
Stories/Template/JsonLdFullWidthTemplate.story Validation to ensure Json Ld schema is validate on Travel Channel Home Page clear clear clear Template Template JsonLd
Stories/Template/JsonLdFullWidthTemplate.story Validation to ensure Json Ld schema is validate on HGTV Home Page clear clear clear Template Template JsonLd
Stories/Template/LandingTemplate.story validate landing on Golden COOK done clear clear Template Template Landing
Stories/Template/LandingTemplate.story validate landing on Golden Food done clear clear Template Template Landing
Stories/Template/LandingTemplate.story validate landing on Golden HGTV done clear clear Template Template Landing
Stories/Template/ListArticleTemplate.story validate aritlce template page on golden-food done clear clear Template Template ListArticle
Stories/Template/ListArticleTemplate.story validate aritlce template page on golden-hgtv done clear clear Template Template ListArticle
Stories/Template/ListArticleTemplate.story validate aritlce template page on golden-cook done clear clear Template Template ListArticle
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Talent Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY Topic Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Search Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Search Results Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Brand Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Videolist Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Meal Match Template Metadata Validation done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Home Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY List Pages (video) clear done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Talent/Editorial Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Recipe List Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Home Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Search Results Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Show Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Topic Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY List Pages (photos) clear done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL List Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Gallery List Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY Show Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Topic Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Recipe Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Video Playlist Page done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Photo Gallery Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Recipe Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY Article Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Videos Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure COOK Videos Single Video Pagecontains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Search Pagination Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Photo Gallery Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Saves Template Metadata Validation done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY List Pages (video playlist) done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Search Pagination Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Search Results Pagination Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Brand Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food ULP Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Home Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Show Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY List Pages (photo galleries) done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL ULP Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY Home Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Show Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure FOOD Search Pagination Pages contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Topic Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Gallery Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY VideoPlayList Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Home Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Recipe List Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For DISCOVERY Gallery Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Gallery Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Video Playlist Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For HGTV Search Pages done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Topic Page contains Accurate MetaData Info done done clear Template Template MetaData
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual and Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template No Search Results. clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Feed Template clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration template with filters from URL. clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoInspirationFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template with Shop the Look button selected. clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryLandingFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Inspiration Template with Shop the Look button selected. clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryLandingFeedTemplate.story Visual And Functional Validation of Photo Library landing Template clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoInspirationFeed
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryPinterestTemplate.story Validate Mobile Photo Library PinInterest on Golden-HGTV clear clear done Template Template MobilePhotoLibraryPinIt
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryTemplate.story Validate Mobile HGTV: Photo Library Landing template page done clear done Template Template MobilePhotoLibrary
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryTemplate.story Validate Mobile HGTV: Photo library collection template page done clear done Template Template MobilePhotoLibrary
Stories/Template/MobilePhotoLibraryTemplate.story Validate Mobile HGTV: Photo Library Viewer page done clear done Template Template MobilePhotoLibrary
Stories/Template/MobileSiteHeaderNavTemplate.story HGTV: Visually Validate Site Header Desktop Hamburger Menu clear done done Template Template MobileSiteHeaderNavigation
Stories/Template/MobileSiteHeaderNavTemplate.story HGTV: Visually Validate Site Header clear done done Template Template MobileSiteHeaderNavigation
Stories/Template/MobileSiteHeaderNavTemplate.story COOK: Visually Validate Site Header done done done Template Template MobileSiteHeaderNavigation
Stories/Template/MobileSiteHeaderNavTemplate.story FOOD: Visually Validate Site Header Desktop Hamburger Menu clear done done Template Template MobileSiteHeaderNavigation
Stories/Template/MobileSiteHeaderNavTemplate.story FOOD: Visually Validate Site Header done done done Template Template MobileSiteHeaderNavigation
Stories/Template/NewsLetterTemplate.story Validate Mobile New Letter SignUp on Golden-HGTV done done done Template Template NewsLetterSignUp
Stories/Template/NewsLetterTemplate.story Validate Mobile New Letter SignUp on Golden-HGTV done clear done Template Template NewsLetterSignUp
Stories/Template/PartnersProfileTemplate.story Validate Partners Profile template page on Golden FOOD done clear clear Template Template PartnerProfile
Stories/Template/PartnersProfileTemplate.story Validate Partners Profile template page on Golden TRAVEL clear clear clear Template Template PartnerProfile
Stories/Template/PartnersProfileTemplate.story Validate Partners Profile template page on Golden COOK done clear clear Template Template PartnerProfile
Stories/Template/PartnersProfileTemplate.story Validate Partners Profile template page on Golden HGTV done clear clear Template Template PartnerProfile
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryGetRecipeCtaTemplate.story Functional Validation of FOOD Photo Gallery Page - Get Recipe Cta functionality done clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryGetRecipeCta
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-discovery done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-food done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-cook done clear done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-discovery - with breadcrumbs done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-travel done clear done Template Template PhotoGalleryHorizontal
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHotspotsTemplate.story Validation of HOT SPOTS in HGTV Photo Gallery Module done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryHotSpots
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of TRAVEL's Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the page is functionally good clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of COOK Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the page is functionally good clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of DISCOVERY Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the Photo Gallery is functional clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of HGTV Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the Photo Gallery is functional clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of FOOD Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the page is functionally good clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryMediaStreamTemplate.story Functional Validation of TLCME Horizontal Photo Gallery Page - Ensure the page is functionally good clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryMediaStream
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryShopThisLookTemplate.story Validation of SHOP THIS LOOK in HGTV Photo Gallery Module clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryShopThisLook
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryShopThisLookTemplate.story Validation of SHOP THIS LOOK display in HGTV Photo Gallery Module clear clear clear Template Template PhotoGalleryShopThisLook
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryVerticalTemplate.story Validate Vertical PhotoGallery Template page on golden-hgtv done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryVertical
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryVerticalTemplate.story Validate Vertical PhotoGallery Template page on golden-food done done done Template Template PhotoGalleryVertical
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryCollectionTemplate.story validate photo library collection template page on clear clear clear Template Template PhotoLibraryCollection
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryLandingTemplate.story Validate HGTV: Photo Library Landing template page clear clear done Template Template PhotoLibraryLanding
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryLandingTemplate.story validate photo library collection template page on done clear done Template Template PhotoLibraryLanding
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryPinterestTemplate.story Validate Photo Library Pinterest on Golden-HGTV done clear done Template Template PhotoLibraryPinIt
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryViewerShopTheLookTemplate.story validate shop the look on photo library viewer page on clear clear clear Template Template PLVShopTheLook
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryViewerTagsTemplate.story Validation of HGTV Photo Library Viewer Functionality clear clear clear Template Template PhotoLibraryViewerF
Stories/Template/PhotoLibraryViewerTemplate.story Validation of a Photo Library Viewer page - Ensure the Page is valid for kitchen category clear clear clear Template Template PhotoLibraryViewer
Stories/Template/PointOfInterestTemplate.story validate Point Of Interest template page on golden-food done clear clear Template Template PointOfInterest
Stories/Template/PointOfInterestTemplate.story validate Point Of Interest template page on golden-cook done clear clear Template Template PointOfInterest
Stories/Template/ProfessionalProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-cook done clear clear Template Template Professional
Stories/Template/ProfessionalProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-hgtv done clear clear Template Template Professional
Stories/Template/ProfessionalProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-food done clear clear Template Template Professional
Stories/Template/ProgramGuideTemplate.story validate ProgramGuide template page on Travel page done done clear Template Template ProgramGuide
Stories/Template/ProgramGuideTemplate.story validate ProgramGuide template page on Cook page done done clear Template Template ProgramGuide
Stories/Template/ProgramGuideTemplate.story validate ProgramGuide template page on HGTV page done done clear Template Template ProgramGuide
Stories/Template/ProgramGuideTemplate.story validate ProgramGuide template page on FoodNetwork page done done clear Template Template ProgramGuide
Stories/Template/RecipeAmpTemplate.story Validating HTML on FOOD AMP recipe page done done clear Template Template RecipeAMPValidation
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 1 on mobile & desktop FOOD done done done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 3 on mobile & desktop FOOD done clear done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 5 on mobile & desktop FOOD done clear done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story validate recipe template page on golden-cook done done done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template Enhanced Recipe variation on mobile & desktop FOOD done done done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 2 on mobile & desktop FOOD done done done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 4 on mobile & desktop FOOD done clear done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 6 on mobile & desktop FOOD done clear done Template Template Recipe
Stories/Template/SearchGoldenTemplate.story Validation of Search Results done done clear Template Template SearchNonVisual
Stories/Template/SearchGoldenTemplate.story Validation of new Site Search FOOD done done clear Template Template SearchNonVisual
Stories/Template/SearchGoldenTemplate.story Validation of new Site Search done done clear Template Template SearchNonVisual
Stories/Template/SearchGoldenTemplate.story Validation of Site Search done done clear Template Template SearchNonVisual
Stories/Template/SearchTemplate.story Validate Search Page done done done Template Template Search
Stories/Template/SearchTemplate.story Validate Search Page ID done clear done Template Template Search
Stories/Template/SearchTemplate.story Validate Search Page Food done done done Template Template Search
Stories/Template/ShoppingTemplate.story validate Shopping Embed Grid module on full width page done done clear Template Template ShoppingEmbed
Stories/Template/ShowTemplate.story validate show page on Golden FOOD done done done Template Template Show
Stories/Template/ShowTemplate.story Validating Show Page on Golden DISCOVERY done done done Template Template Show
Stories/Template/ShowTemplate.story validate show page on Golden HGTV done done done Template Template Show
Stories/Template/ShowTemplate.story validate show page on Golden COOK done done done Template Template Show
Stories/Template/ShowTemplate.story Validating Show Page on Golden TLC done done done Template Template Show
Stories/Template/SingleImageTemplate.story Validation of a Single Image Asset page - Ensure the Page is valid for kitchen category done done clear Template Template SingleImage
Stories/Template/SingleVideoTemplate.story Validate Single Video Template page on golden-discovery done done done Template Template SingleVideo
Stories/Template/SweepsEntryTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Workflow end to end for a new User on hgtv done done done Template Template SweepsEntry
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for zip on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for gender on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for date of birth of 18yrs on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for date of birth less than 13yrs provider on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for phone number on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for date of birth on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrors1Template.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for cable or service provider on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors1
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for an invalid email on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for address on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for an invalid name on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for a name on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for city on hgtv SweepsRegistrationPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsErrorsTemplate.story Verify Sweeps Error scenarios for an invalid user on hgtv SweepsEntryPage. done done clear Template Template SweepsErrors
Stories/Template/SweepsTourTemplate.story validate sweeps tour page on Golden HGTV done done clear Template Template SweepsTour
Stories/Template/TagLandingTemplate.story validate Tag Landing Page template on golden-food done done done Template Template TagLanding
Stories/Template/TagLandingTemplate.story validate Tag Landing Page template on golden-hgtv done clear done Template Template TagLanding
Stories/Template/TalentProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-hgtv done done clear Template Template TalentProfile
Stories/Template/TalentProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-cook done done clear Template Template TalentProfile
Stories/Template/TalentProfileTemplate.story Validate Talent Profile template page on golden-food done done clear Template Template TalentProfile
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Travel done done done Template Template UniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Discovery version 1 done done done Template Template UniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Hgtv done done done Template Template UniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Cook done clear done Template Template UniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Discovery version 2 done clear done Template Template UniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 2 done clear done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 4 done clear done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 6 done clear done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 1 done done done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 3 done clear done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 5 done clear done Template Template FOODUniversalLanding
Stories/Template/VideoPlaylistTemplate.story validate video playlist template page on golden-food done done clear Template Template VideoPlaylist
Stories/Template/VideoPlaylistTemplate.story validate video playlist template page on golden-hgtv done done clear Template Template VideoPlaylist
Stories/Template/VideoPlaylistTemplateDISCOVERY.story validate video playlist template page on golden-discovery done done done Template Template DISCOVERYVideoPlaylist
Stories/Template/VideoPlaylistTemplateDISCOVERY.story validate video playlist template page on golden-discovery - with breadcrumbs done clear done Template Template DISCOVERYVideoPlaylist
Stories/Videos/NextVideo.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the HGTV Playlist Page done clear clear Videos Videos NextVideo
Stories/Videos/NextVideo.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the COOK Playlist Page done clear clear Videos Videos NextVideo
Stories/Videos/NextVideo1.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the HGTV Playlist Page done done clear Videos Videos NextVideo1
Stories/Videos/NextVideo1.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the FOOD Playlist Page done done clear Videos Videos NextVideo1
Stories/Videos/NextVideo3.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the FOOD Playlist Page done done clear Videos Videos NextVideo3
Stories/Videos/NextVideo4.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the COOK Playlist Page done done clear Videos Videos NextVideo4
Stories/Videos/NextVideo5.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the DISCOVERY Playlist Page done done clear Videos Videos NextVideo5
Stories/Videos/PlayListMidrollAdCOOK.story Validation of COOK Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events clear done clear Videos Videos COOKMidRollAD
Stories/Videos/PlayListMidrollAdFOOD.story Validation of FOOD Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events clear done clear Videos Videos FOODMidRollAD
Stories/Videos/PlayListMidrollAdHGTV.story Validation of HGTV Video Pages - Ensure Pre-roll, Video and Midroll Ad Events clear done clear Videos Videos HGTVMidRollAD
Stories/Videos/RecipesPlayListVideos.story Smoke Validation of COOK Video Playlist on A Recipe Page - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done done clear Videos Videos RecipesVideoPlayList
Stories/Videos/RecipesPlayListVideos.story Smoke Validation of FOOD Video Playlist on A Recipe Page - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done done clear Videos Videos RecipesVideoPlayList
Stories/Videos/SingleVideo.story Smoke Validation of FOOD Single Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideo
Stories/Videos/SingleVideo.story Smoke Validation of DISCOVERY Single Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideo
Stories/Videos/SingleVideo.story Smoke Validation of TRAVEL Single Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideo
Stories/Videos/SingleVideo.story Smoke Validation of COOK Single Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideo
Stories/Videos/SingleVideo.story Smoke Validation of HGTV Single Video Pages - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideo
Stories/Videos/SingleVideoEmbed.story Smoke Validation of DISCOVERY Single Video Embed Component - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events (click player area) done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Videos/SingleVideoEmbed.story Smoke Validation of DISCOVERY Single Video Embed Component - Ensure Video Play and Pre-roll Ad Events (click "Watch Now") done clear clear Videos Videos SingleVideoEmbed
Stories/Videos/VideoClosedCaptionFOOD.story Validation of Closed Caption frame on FOOD Video Pages done clear done Videos Videos FOODClosedCaption
Stories/Videos/VideoClosedCaptionHGTV.story Validation of Closed Caption frame on HGTV Video Pages done clear done Videos Videos HGTVClosedCaption