CORE Test Automation:

  Failure Overview

The Test Failure Overview report displays all tests with their number of failures over the last 30 days. Click on the zoom_in to see the history for a specific test.

Timeframe: Last
Story Scenario Failures
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplateFOOD.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) responsive Template on Golden-Food - version 1 26
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryVerticalTemplate.story Validate Vertical PhotoGallery Template page on golden-food 18
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate HGTV Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup 13
Stories/Component/AmazonReviewsVisual.story Testing Amazon Product Reviews on HGTV Amazon Reviews template 13
Stories/Template/ArticleWithShoppingTemplate.story visually validate article template page with products on golden-hgtv 12
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration Component on ULP responsive template - single 12
Stories/Component/ShoppingInspirationComp.story Visual validation of Shopping Inspiration with Label, Description, and 2 slides 12
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template variation 1 on mobile & desktop FOOD 9
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Validate article template page on HOME 8
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryVerticalTemplate.story Validate Vertical PhotoGallery Template page on golden-hgtv 8
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/ShoppingPromoAuthorHGTV.story Validate Shopping Promo component on a Full Width Template Author page 7
Stories/Template/UniversalLandingPageTemplate.story Validate Universal Landing Page (ULP) Template on Golden-Hgtv 7
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHotspotsTemplate.story Validation of HOT SPOTS in HGTV Photo Gallery Module 6
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on HGTV - Using Analytics Test Approach 4
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story Validate recipe template Enhanced Recipe variation on mobile & desktop FOOD 4
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-food 4
Stories/Advertisement/PhotoGalleryAdvertisement.story Validation of Bigbox AD in Photo Gallery Page on FOOD - Using Analytics Test Approach 4
Stories/Component/AssetSaveComp/RecipeAssetSaveComp.story Saving a FOOD Recipe to Saves and adding to the boards 3
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-hgtv 3
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthStripAuthor.story Validating Full Width Strip component on the DISCOVERY Full Width Page 3
Stories/Template/EpisodeListGoldenSmoke.story Visual test of episode page on Golden DISCOVERY 2
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on DISCOVERY 2
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on TRAVEL 2
Stories/Videos/NextVideo1.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the FOOD Playlist Page 2
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplateDISCOVERY.story validate Full Width template on golden-discovery 2
Stories/Sitemap/SitemapValidation.story Validation of golden-food sitemap 2
Stories/Sitemap/SitemapValidation.story Validation of golden-travel sitemap 2
Stories/Template/TagLandingTemplate.story validate Tag Landing Page template on golden-food 1
Stories/Component/SingleImageComp.story validate Image Embed Component in the component libraray 1
Stories/Template/FullWidthTemplate.story validate Full Width template on golden-tlc 1
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on HGTV 1
Stories/Component/ShoppingEmbedComp.story Validate FOOD Shopping Embed Narrative various product setup 1
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For FOOD Site Search Function 1
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics & Omniture Tracking For HGTV Site Search Function 1
Stories/Component/SuperLeadHeroComp.story Validate FOOD SuperLeadHero Component 1
Stories/Author/AEMAuthor/FullWidthLeadAuthor.story validate Full Width Lead component on an DISCOVERY Landing Template Author page 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL List Pages 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Gallery List Page contains Accurate MetaData Info 1
Stories/Component/CategoryComp.story Validating Page-Level Categories Module on Desktop : HGTV : Landing Page with 3 items 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Cook Home Page contains Accurate MetaData Info 1
Stories/Component/Newsletter.story Validate HGTV Newsletter Module Visually For Subscription 1
Stories/Component/EpisodeFeedComp.story Validate Episode Feed Module on HGTV Show Page 1
Stories/Template/GalleryVoteTemplate.story validate Gallery-Vote template page on golden-cook 1
Stories/Component/EpisodeTuneInComp.story Validate Episode Tune-in on a Golden Show Page 1
Stories/Component/HeaderCompDISCOVERY.story Validating DISCOVERY Main Header Area Nav Item Dropdowns (Shows & More) 1
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplateDISCOVERY.story Validate article template page on DISCOVERY 1
Stories/Videos/NextVideo4.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the COOK Playlist Page 1
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on FOOD 1
Stories/Videos/NextVideo1.story Validate the Next Video is Played in the HGTV Playlist Page 1
Stories/Template/ArticleStreamTemplate.story Validation of Article Stream on COOK 1
Stories/Component/CategoryComp.story Validating Page-Level Categories Module on Desktop : HGTV : Tag Landing Page with 7 items 1
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Omniture Report Suite ID and Code Version for TLCME 1
Stories/Template/ArticleTemplate.story Visually validate article template page on Crime 1
Stories/Analytics/OmnitureTrackingAnalytics.story Validate Analytics on Article Page from DISCOVERY 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Page contains Accurate MetaData Info For TRAVEL Show Pages 1
Stories/Template/RecipeTemplate.story validate recipe template page on golden-cook 1
Stories/Template/PhotoGalleryHorizontalTemplate.story Validate PhotoGallery Template page on golden-food 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Talent Page contains Accurate MetaData Info 1
Stories/Template/MetaDataTemplate.story Validation to ensure Food Recipe Page contains Accurate MetaData Info 1
Stories/Component/MarketingPromoComp.story Validating Marketing Promo Component No Promo Image amd Global Defaults - HGTV 1